Brent Asten & Trevor McCormack


Back in 1999, when I lived in Chicago, I had started hanging around a group of friends who were all musicians. We would go from house to house and set up jams. People would come over to hang out, listen and participate. One night we were all hanging out at my place. My wife, her brother Daniel, our close friend Trevor McCormack a guitar player and a few other friends were there. As the night went on, more people showed up and a "Jam" was started.

Out of the blue, someone had asked me to sing, and handed me a page of poetry, which was written by my wife. What happened next was an amazing life changing experience; I sang like a bird. Everyone was completely surprised I could sing, including myself. I had been in some plays and choir as a young boy, but never pursued singing in any fashion. Trevor McCormack and I immediatly started working together.

Trevor McCormack: LEFT



Shortly there after, I moved to Indiana, and Trevor moved to Indiana as well. We were then roommates working on music all the time. He handed me my first guitar and started teaching me how to play. We would write songs, jam, play guitar all the time, it was awesome. We had starting making a lot of songs and decided we would record them. I purchased a state of the art Digital recording machine, a Roland 1680 recording board.


First Paid Gig

Trevor and I played Open Mic's around Indiana pursuing our duo "Freudian Slip." In 2002, he moved back to Ireland, where he was from. Our work was left unfinished and the promise to start up again at a more oppurtune time was made. Unfortunatly, that time never came, and my best friend Trevor McCormack passed away in 2015, may he Rest in Peace

I continued to write and make music. Playing Guitar, Bass Guitar, singing, writing and even recording my own music. In Indiana I had a few paid gig's playing in the music scene, while attending Purdue University. I got my computer science degree, and after graduating, I moved back to California.

Photo: First paid gig at Billy Jacks in Valparaiso IN, 2004.